30%OFF【キングヘイロー】King Halo 協和牧場 official Black T-Shirts 2023 Gold Version
30%OFF【キングヘイロー】King Halo 協和牧場 official Black T-Shirts 2023 Gold Version
キングヘイローシリーズ 第2章!ゴールドバージョン
デビューから手綱を取った福永祐一騎手の初重賞制覇(東京スポーツ3歳S GIII)で知られる皐月賞は2着、日本ダービーは14着、菊花賞は5着だった。
色は、勝負服デザインに限定のゴールドカラーにてKING HALO
サイズは、S / M / L / XL / 2XL の5種類となります。
About shipping and delivery methods
About shipping and delivery methods
shipping: Flat rate ¥ 3,000
We do not accept cash on delivery orders from overseas or shipping overseas.
Customs duties may be incurred in the destination country. In that case, please note that the customs duty, etc
incurred will be borne by the recipient.
Please note that the customs duty amount and customs fees are not fixed before and at the time of shipment, so we cannot answer any inquiries.
Please understand and understand that you will be responsible for customs duties and customs fees when you receive the item after checking it in advance by the orderer.